The Research Institute’s 2022 Awards Program provided $230,000 in research funding across our community. All grant applications are submitted to the Awards Committee and the recipients of each award are selected. Recipients are first announced publicly at our annual Celebrate Research event.


Our 2022 Award Winners

Jenna Boyd

PAC Interprofessional Research Award

Chynna Huang

Staff Recognition Award

Jodi Gilchrist

Staff Recognition Award

Adam Komrowski

Studentship Award

Myanca Rodrigues

Studentship Award

Bhanu Sharma

Post-doctoral Fellowship Award

Lonnie Pyne

Constantine Douketis New Researcher Award

Rebecca Fisico

Forensic Psychiatry Research Award & Conference Travel Bursary

Mini Mamak

Joe K. Award in Forensic Psychiatry

Carmen Venegas Garrido

Frederick E. Hargreave Fellowship

Sheryl Green

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation Collaboration Grant

Benicio Frey

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation Collaboration Grant

Juliana Yanan Li

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation Collaboration Grant

Taryn Simms

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation Collaboration Grant

Lawrence Mbuagbaw

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation Collaboration Grant

James Douketis

Anne & Neil McArthur Research Award

Learn more about each award recipient and their research projects by watching our 2022 Celebrate Research Virtual Ceremony.
Watch the full McArthur Award Academic Presentation featuring Dr. James Douketis