WelcomeOur InstituteA Year in Numbers

Total Research Funding by Pillar

MHA Colour Plain

Mental Health & Addiction


LC Colour Plain

Lungs & Chest


FSORC Colour Plain

Father Sean O’Sullivan Research Centre


Kidney Colour Plain



Genitourinary Colour Plain



Total Funding


Funding Sources

Funding from our Foundation


Research & Infrastructure

Total Number of Researchers


Square Feet of Total Dedicated Research Space

All sites including McMaster Innovation Park

Total Number of Research Studies

New Clinical Research Studies

Breakdown of new studies by type:

New Clinical Trials

Breakdown of new clinical trials by phase:

Events & Awards

In-person & Virtual Events

Total Event Attendees

Internal Awards Granted

Value of Internal Awards


Innovation & Partnerships

Invention Disclosures

Options & Licences Executed

Active Startups

Active Innovation Projects

Innovation Industry Engagement

Quantity of new client intake with minimum 1 hour meeting

Healthcare and Engineering Collaborative Innovation Projects

Total Value of Innovation Projects
